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- Java has syntax similar to that of c,c++ making it easier of c, c++ programmers to learn
- Java is platform independent i.e java programs compiled on one machine can be executed on any other machine having java environment.
- Memory in java is automatically garbage collected by calling "System.gc()" function.
- Java is fully object oriented programming language.
- One of the most important feature of java is multi-threading, i.e each thread is a unit of execution and java can have multiple-thread which can be executed simultaneously("a thread is executed by CPU simultaneously and not by JVM").
- Java is architecture-neutral, means if a java program is transferred from one machine to another than change in OS,processor etc. won't force any change in java program.
Importance of learning Java programming language
- Java is easy to learn for beginners.
- Easier to maintain.
- Java is object oriented programming language.
- Java is platform independent.
- Java is free.
- Java has rich API.
- Powerful development tools eg:- Eclipse, Netbeans, AndroidStudio.
- Great collection of open source libraries.
- Java is everywhere.
- Excellent documentation support.
- 2nd most tagged language on GitHub.
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